Monthly Archives: December 2015

Christmas Eve reflection

Thessalon Pastoral Charge

Joseph’s story

Hello. My name is Joseph.
You’re here tonight to hear the story of my son…
Well… my step-son, I guess would be more accurate.
You see, it’s… complicated.
It started a few years ago, just after I was betrothed to a lovely young girl named Mary. Continue reading

The “War on Christmas”

No doubt many of you have heard of “the war on Christmas”. Perhaps some of you even believe this so-called “war” is under way.

There are some who object to what they deem “political correctness run amok”, who decry any attempt to offer a seasonal greeting using any phrase other than “Merry Christmas.”

Apparently, to not say “Merry Christmas” is to attack the very foundations of our country, and even Christianity itself.

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Moments of Joy

Sunday 13 December 201

Thessalon Pastoral Charge

Fear not! For behold, I bring you good tidings of great JOY, which shall be to all people.

This proclamation by the Angel, coming so early in the New Testament, sets the tone for the entire book.


What is “Joy”?

According to the dictionary…

joy n 1. a feeling of great pleasure or happiness.

synonyms: delight, jubilation, exultation, elation, euphoria, bliss, ecstasy, rapture

The key is “great”. Not just regular “happiness”, which is fleeting, but GREAT happiness.

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What is Peace?

Reflection: “What is Peace”
Sunday 6 December 2015
David Root
Thessalon Pastoral Charge


What is “Peace”?

A few short weeks ago we commemorated Remembrance Day, the anniversary of the Armistice that ended the First World War in 1918, the “war to end all wars”.

We also honour those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in the war that followed, and the various wars and military conflicts that have taken place since then, up to the present day.

In fact, wars and conflicts are still occurring as we speak.

Is Peace, then, the absence of war? That is one definition, and one which is tenuous, at best. Continue reading